Community Hub Visit in Newham – Bobby Moore Pavillion, East Ham

Well, the sun was shining, despite the rain.  Margo Baxter, whirlwind employment consultant with DWP, invited me to learn about a brilliant project bringing together all support in the local area.  This includes the church, holistic therapists, nutritionists, employers, food banks etc.

Having worked with Margo years ago, I knew she didn’t exaggerate.  If she says something’s brilliant, it generally is!

Based at the Bobby Moore Pavillion BDCA (Bonny Downs Community Association) galvanised help and funding to mow the 9 acre site to enable sports to be played again bringing fitness and focus to local people.  The community partners worked together to develop a community garden where local families grow and harvest together giving fresh veg to the local foodbank, a mini gym – even has a compost toilet!  An IT hub enables job applications to be made and Rhona delivers a programme on how to live on £14 per week nutritionally – no Happy Meals as a cheap option from McDonalds but very happy meals with families cooking together.

Adewola runs a brilliant project in getting parents back to work with tough love.

It was strange to peek into the holistic room which was darkened with soothing music and people sitting/lying with orange needles in their ears! Very strange, but I’m told it works.

An invigorating programme of activity which hangs on a knife edge due to funding.

A blueprint for others to follow…..

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